Customer Testimonials

"I’ve turned to Larry Katz for gifts on many occasions knowing that his elegantly crafted wood creations will be both useful and pleasing. His sensitivity for showing the unique histories and grain patterns of trees, for turning forms that are pleasing to the eye, and his flawless finishing techniques results in timeless works of art that are beautiful and functional." - Allison Dingle


"I began purchasing Larry Katz's beautiful bowls for myself. I received so many admiring comments from my family and friends that Turn, Turn, Turn has become my go to place whenever I want to give a special person something beautiful." - Judy Bernstein


"Our black walnut salad bowl, purchased in 2006, is a staple on our dining room table. It is so loved by our two daughters-in-law that we have had to include it in our wills. We’ve since bought six matching salad bowls and have a black walnut platter as well. Larry’s turnings are a work of art." - Brigid Hayes & Ed Buller


"I finally got the chance to see Larry’s wonderful creations when he went on line. I was thrilled to receive beautifully hand-crafted bowls to give away as gifts to my daughter, Tannis and young friends who just got married. Now we need to pick one out for ourselves." - Sue Folinsbee, Toronto


"Larry’s big salad bowls are my “go to” gift for weddings and happy occasions, especially for people still furnishing their homes and kitchens.  They are gorgeous, but also useful, and will grace many fine tables with good food, for years to come.  They are as varied as Larry’s imagination, and the beautiful wood he turns." - Jean Christie


"I have returned again and again to Larry’s hand-crafted woodturnings to purchase the perfect “one of a kind” gift to give family and friends for special life celebrations. Larry creates practical works of art that are cherished." - David Jewitt

"I love the black cherry bowl and black cherry earring stand that I ordered. They are even more beautiful than in the web site pictures--and they arrived within days on an island off the coast of British Columbia."-Judy Darcy

"I was introduced to Turn,Turn,Turn a few years back when I was gifted with a large gorgeous maple salad bowl. Since then, any time I have needed a special gift, I contact Larry Katz. I love wood and I find Larry's passion really evident in his art. With each piece, he showcases the wood's natural unique features. He is also wonderful to deal with. I can contact him last minute, even during the pandemic, and Larry will make time for me to come and safely select something special."- Aideen Reynolds, Ottawa


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